Hayden Weissman and Payton Weissman

Hayden and Payton were pure sunshine and spending time with them was as refreshing as spring rain. Their laughter reached the skies but they were grounded girls, loved their family, were friends to so many, and the very best sisters to each other, big brother, Griffin, and little sis, Berklee. Just as they added beauty to the world, we, their grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins, have selected a beautiful flowering magnolia to symbolize our love for them. There’s no perfect way to express how much we miss our Hay and Pay, but we hope this tree and all of Civic Park bring joy to its visitors, comfort from its shade, a feeling of light and happiness from its beauty — just as our precious girls did for us and all who knew them.

Donated by

Lorelei Elliott, Montgomery Elliott, Maxwell Weissman, Moshe Weissman, Andrew and Maureen Weissman, Wendy and Jordan Handler, Olivia Elliott, Ella Weissman, Morgan and Colin Elliot, Stephanie Weissman, Lauren and Robert Stanley, Zoe Stanley, Alexander Stanley, Simon Handler, Sophie Handler, Ian Handler